Sunday, August 17, 2008


Keeping it PG13 that's as high as the camera can travel without without the full monty!

Tis the season, and let the scar tissue and bruise count commence! For those of you wondering where that purple beauty is located, that is an inner thigh (tough camera angle). Gettin that re-mount leg calloused up for the season to come.

Been getting some good group cross rides in. Thanks to all the fasties recently for allowing me to tag along and try to raise my game, you know who you are! Hopefully my turtle disease is not contagious, and having a good laugh at my pitiful fitness level will only make you faster! I did find a way to keep up with the "Harpernator". Let him crash in front of you on a wet wooden bridge, and then run over him! I still feel like shit about that so a big sorry goes out to the G-man!

But you know what they say........ What is the best thing about crashing??? Watching somebody else do it!!!!!! Ty

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