Saturday, August 30, 2008


While cruising the blog scene, my already fragile ego took a hit. It seems that my own teammate, one Chad Bishop, has dropped me from his favorites list on his blog site. Just as i'm in the final preparations for a fabulous cross season, my own "teammate" smacks me down!!! Granted I haven't raced all season, and Chad has had an amazing summer, But banishment??? I don't know of any other blogs that have had me on there favorites list "past or present". But my own teammate?
That's O.K. Chad. In the name of team harmony, I am going to keep you on my "favorites" list. Hope you have a great cross season! Your fans will still be able to access your site through mine to see how your doing.

Your humble teammate........Ty

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Keeping it PG13 that's as high as the camera can travel without without the full monty!

Tis the season, and let the scar tissue and bruise count commence! For those of you wondering where that purple beauty is located, that is an inner thigh (tough camera angle). Gettin that re-mount leg calloused up for the season to come.

Been getting some good group cross rides in. Thanks to all the fasties recently for allowing me to tag along and try to raise my game, you know who you are! Hopefully my turtle disease is not contagious, and having a good laugh at my pitiful fitness level will only make you faster! I did find a way to keep up with the "Harpernator". Let him crash in front of you on a wet wooden bridge, and then run over him! I still feel like shit about that so a big sorry goes out to the G-man!

But you know what they say........ What is the best thing about crashing??? Watching somebody else do it!!!!!! Ty

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pre-Season Greg Pace Test - FAILED

Sometimes as a rider you go through the motions of what you think is getting you into race shape. Then there is that group ride or race that brings out the truth. Yes compared to your co-workers, you are in great shape. You are way above the national average, and your BMI is within the limits. But you know come the weekend, surrounded by a couple dozen like minded bike geeks, that just being in shape is not going to cut it.
After several weeks of what I thought was hard training, Greg Harper and me joined up before work today. We hit the trails, and quickly I was getting popped off his back wheel. Yes he's the "Harpernator" and this is to be expected, but it happened early and often. The biggest disappointment, was my lack of huevoes on the down hills. I got gaped any time the trail had a downward grade. I would fight back to catch his wheel, only to pop next down hill. Then it started on the up hills. Then the flats. Then it was just time to cool down, and hope I didn't get dropped doing that! Approx 4 weeks to the first cross races of the year. Got some more work to do, not just go through the motions! Ty

Monday, August 11, 2008

Redneck "CROSS" Training

I hate fishing! Let's get that out in the open right away. But somehow my 7 yr old has become the next bass pro world champ wanta be. It's not that I totally hate it. I just didn't grow up doing a whole bunch of it. So with a lack of knowledge on the subject comes frustration. I barely know how to tie the hook to the line, let alone what bait to use for what type of fish you're after. Not that my son cares. As long as we are catching "any" type of fish he's cool with it. Being a can do dad, we have been fishing a ton this summer. Usually i'm the lackey! My job description is easy. Bait hooks, take fish off lines, untangle lines, get bobbers out of trees, everything but fish myself. This is all fine by me.

Yesterday we went to my wife's family farm pond. The rumor was that there was some large catfish hiding on the bottom. I had no worries about catching one, as we were using bobbers and wax worms in hopes of a good bluegill day. In the back of my head I was concerned about catching one of these slimy Jurassic monsters. How in the world was I going to get one off the hook if caught? No worries, the chances were nil. Then MY bobber takes off, and even not being a fisherman I realize that this is no bluegill. I real in the biggest fish of any kind that I have ever caught! Now what? With pliers and gloves (yes I know sissy boy) I got the hook out and the fish back in the pond. All said and done, another successful adventure for dad and son! Ty

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Last years race bike is this years pit/training bike. The 2008 Surly has been given several upgrades. The big on is Michelin Mud tires mounted on Bontrager race lite rims. This alone dropped a pound of weight. Last year I ran a 39 tooth front ring. This year I went with the 42 stainless surly front ring mainly because i'm tired of Huntsburger calling me a sissy boy! I'll either go faster, or shred both knees on the first big hill of the season. I didn't go cheap like last year and actually bought an outside chain catcher from Salsa. Only because Greg gave me such grief for "manufacturing" my outside guard last year from the big ring that came with the bike. Now that the bike is in the basement and dialed in, cross season can't come soon enough. Ty