Friday, May 9, 2008


Yes I am training. And as the weather warms up I am starting to feel my form coming around also. But as everyone else seems to have a plan as to where they will be racing next. In this area I am way behind. I gotta just get off the pot and drive somewhere the next available weekend and step to the line and get flogged. Memorial day weekend is out with family stuff. But it's gotta happen sometime! I just can't wait till September and cross season to roll around and expect to be Johnnie on the spot. While on the subject of being flogged. I showed up for a Thursday night "PACE LINE" ride. I had heard that the Tuesday night rides are an all out hammer fest, so opted for the more gentile sounding of the weekly rides. Sat in the back for most of the ride, then felt guilty towards the end and took some pulls until the lights started to go out. So like I said in the beginning we're getting there, I just don't know where the finish line (or starting line) is going to be. Also, I promise to get back into the photo groove. A blog without photos is just a waste of time! Ty

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