One full bag of Doritos is not in here!

If you don't own a pair of these "good for you"
I have never made a new years resolution that I can remember. Sure I have had things that I've wanted to accomplish in the coming year, but never a bonified commitment to see something through. I think the main reason I shy away from them is my inevitable breakdown and failure in said task. Some past goodies in this area are as follows: Diet soda! (at least it's diet), I quit weekly and still drink it by the truck load! Learn to speak Spanish. Just got back from a trip to Mexico last week, the shoe shine man at the airport spoke better English than I could "spanglish"! And my numero uno every year, quit cussing like a sailor. Anyone who knows me can vouch that this
f@#&ing hasn't ever come close to happening! Yet it is healthy to try and better ones self. So with that as my mantra, I set in place a "plan" not a resolution, to not be the fattest rider in the peleton this spring.
The first part of this has been the implementation of RUNNING into my training during the off season. Any of you riders out there that have not sucume to this illness good for you. I am positive that the pain I receive on my pitiful sub-turtle pace runs do my fitness little or no good. The only gains are that I love my bikes all the more. The second and maybe the most eye opening part of my plan has been the counting AND documentation of my daily calorie intake. As I did a small amount of research before starting, the experts say to loose weight you must only consume in the area of 1500 to 2000 calories PER DAY. The first several days I was shocked to realize that I had been inhaling 30,000 calories per day. Who knew that a complete large pizza in one sitting could hide that many calories? I am doing everything in my power to keep the count under 2000, but when you have eaten as rotten as I have for a lifetime, well....... Needless to say being hungry all the time sure hasn't helped my
f@#&ing cussing, and my diet soda intake is on the rise (zero calories). Is being skinny worth all this? Will My health be better at the cost of enjoyment of life? You don't have to answer, by next month i'll be back to my pizza for breakfast eatn self. Ty
1 comment:
Hey Tyree, I started a blog of my own, I guess it is only fair since I have been reading everyone else's and stealing their training/race strategies...
Yes, I started running this winter, sort of out of burn-out from cycling, and it keeps the weight off more efficiently. But then, it happened, out of now where I realized the 2008 cycling season has begun (for rollers), and now I am determined to keep the running down to just once a week, so that my cycling times don't suck as bad. Thanks for all the good reading last year.
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