Wednesday, February 21, 2007


My lack of posts is in proportion to my lack of training in the month of January. February has been much better with the rollers and twice a week gym sessions. With the weather growing warmer, my motivation has started to kick in and the time in saddle are slowly adding up in the training log.
Tommy has grown a foot over the winter this means a new frame size will be needed for the comming BMX season. So if anyone has a line on an "expert" size frame drop me a line. I don't want to go new like last year and only get one season out of it.
The good news is that Izzy has barely grown an inch, so his "minni" frame may be good for the next several seasons. But don't judge the Izz man on size, he's been doin the martial arts thing all winter and is a new yellow belt at 5 yrs old. So by next year i'll still be a cat 4 and not able to send my first grader to his room because he can kick my ass!
March is almost here and Conn Day races only 2 weeks away. So much for an amazing off season. My fitness level once again equal to my liscence grade. See you at the back of the pack. Ty

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