Friday, December 29, 2006

50+ Temps @&*K Lifting Weights

Temps in the 40's and 50's have made my goal of getting a routine of lifting 2 days a week almost impossible! I've gotten several multi hour rides in and can't believe it's almost January. Christmas came and went in the usual blur for me. Hurry here and there, go to this event and that. The actual day arrives and then "bam" back to work. I did get some christmas cash from several family members, and it is now resting at the bike shop on account building up to that next project bike!!!!
I hope to get several more long easy rides in before the next drop in temperature. Then it's back to the basement where nobody can see how small the pounds are than i'm lifting.

A group ride is scheduled for new years day, i'll try to have pictures. Ty

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weight training makes the rollers fun!!!

I've just begun the winter off season with the usual dreams of great gains in power and endurance before the spring road season. I have a new plan of attack, that will include weight training for the first time ever. Yesterday was the first time in years that I have picked up a weight. And today I had to fall out of bed, because sitting up (due to ab crunches) was not an option! This painful training session had one great result that I had not planned on. Lifting weights yesterday made riding the rollers today a pure joy......
I hope to get out on as many outside rides as weather and time permit. This is my usual off season. Just ride as much as possibe. But the race results the last two yrs have proven this un affective.
So extra effort is needed!! And a few pounds off the mid-section might help me hang onto the tail of the race a little longer. Thanks for reading. Ty

Monday, December 4, 2006

CX Season Over

Izzy chilln "notice the cow bell"

Road trip to 2nd city

Izzy racing went to Chicago to race in the Illinois state cx race at Montrose park. We planned on making it a weekend leaving on Friday and racing on Sunday. The mid-west was hit by the first big snow storm of the year on Thursday, so the normally 21/2 hr drive turned into 4 but we made it none the less.
We spent the whole day Sat. just doing the tourist thing downtown and soaking up the christmas spirit stuck in traffic on Michigan ave!
Sunday morning came and I woke up in the hotel room feeling sluggish and not very motivated to race. All the walking the day before left my legs feeling full of lead. I turned on the weather channel and saw the temps were -2F with the windchill. I crawled back into bed and that was the end of the 2006 cx season......
Not very manly but to be honest, i'm glad the season is over. I had no real big successes all year. To be honest it was a real below average season all around. So to get it over with is a blessing!
The planning for the off-season has already begun, and after a week of recovery totally off the bike, I will begin my 2007 push. Don't know yet what my goals are, but when you're at the bottom of the cat4 heap there is only one way to go. UP! Thanks for reading. Ty

Photos of the weekend are comming!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Another Great Weekend!

Jingle Cross Iowa City

An amazing weekend of racing! The weather for November was almost summer like. With dry conditions and balmy temps, racers and spectators both got to see some of the best CX racing in the mid west.
I went into the weekend not expecting much as far as results since I was racing the 3/4 category and i'm a sub average 4 at best. But on Sat I got 32 out of 50 riders and left feeling good about my performance. Sunday was not the same story.
Due to work I had to race the earlier masters race. I haven't raced masters all year, and know there are some major local players that swim in that water. They didn't disapoint, and I was shelled out the back before the first lap was half over. But IZZY RACING had a great time on Saturday and we have some more great memories of time spent together. Next weekend is the last race of the year for me. The Illinois State cx championships. There calling for snow!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hello and Welcome.

Welcome to the new site for the IZZY RACING team. Actually we're not a team but a family that spends most weekends racing bicycles. As dad I get the honorary title as captain of the team, but probably have the least talent. After 5 yrs of road racing i'm still just a cat4 pack filler. My new escapade is cyclocross racing where i'm still just as bad, only it's cold and I get muddy!
Tommy is 8yrs old, and has grown up on the BMX track. Last year he upgraded from rookie to novice. By the end of the season he was making huge improvements. All his work paid off with a third place finish at the East Moline summer nationals. We couldn't have been more proud!
Clay is 5 and just started racing this year in the rookie division. What "izzy" lacks in stature, he makes up in attitude. He may not be the biggest kid on a bike, but he races with a swagger that any dad would be proud of.
Team manager is my wife of 14 years Kris. As you can imagine this is the worst job in the whole organization! The hours are long and the pay (if we paid her) is terrible. She is our cook,driver, scheduler,medic,psychologist-when we loose, and most importaint the best one person cheering section a team could have. We are lucky to have her.....
Thats the team! I'll try to keep the site posted as regular as I can. We hope to see you at whatever type of race we're doing . If you see us, make a point of saying hello and introducing yourself. Thanks for reading. Ty

The slowest member of the team.

Getting started early.

In Action.

Meet the team!!!!!!!!